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  • [#6] How to Be a 10X Worker with AI: The Practical, No-Nonsense Guide

[#6] How to Be a 10X Worker with AI: The Practical, No-Nonsense Guide

[#6] No-Bullshit AI Hacks: How to Transform Your Daily Routine and Become a 10X Worker Today

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Welcome to #6 email from The Geek Labs. This week we talk about the practical use of AI today to automate various tasks in your life.

There's a lot of talk about AI taking over jobs, but the truth is, that AI isn't here to replace you. It's here to augment you. The real risk is not losing your job to AI, but to those who master AI.

In today’s newsletter, we explore how tech professionals can integrate AI into their daily workflow, the tools available, and how to use them in a compliant manner to avoid any workplace issues.

Using AI/LLMs to write better

The most obvious use case for AI, especially Large Language Models (LLMs), is writing. These tools can help you draft anything in any tone or length, and you can rewrite it as many times as needed. While some tools can generate long-form blog posts, they’re not perfect and it's often clear when text is AI-generated. Here are some tips to improve your AI-assisted writing:

  • Voice Dictation: I use a simple shortcut on my MacBook, pressing the command button twice to enable text-to-voice. This newsletter, for instance, was dictated, not typed. It’s faster and more natural. Here is a tutorial on how you can do it on a Mac: https://youtu.be/1jZaMtUU1Og?si=21RVJyTfPtTgV1t_

  • Proofreading and Editing: After dictating, I use AI to proofread for grammatical errors and to structure the document.

Prompts: LLMs are changing the way we interact with software. Prompts (text) are the default way you interact with any LLMs. There are jobs called as Prompt Engineering where the only job is to be able to write better English language prompts. You just need to be good at your words specifically in English to make sure the LLM is doing what you want. Here are some suggestions on good prompts:

Tell it to write like an expert. So if you are generating code then make sure the first line is “As a senior software engineer at a big company like Amazon, Google etc. write this code that does something…

Or to write a landing page copy, ask it” As a senior copywriter and expert in landing page copy write a landing page copy with a heading, subheading, CTA, and description for a website that does this …”

Ask GPT to write for a specific audience or to achieve a goal. If you are generating content for a landing page meant for developers than ask it to write the landing page copy that will be read by developers. Your copy should be directed to persuade them to enter their email and sign up.”

Default LLM outputs are too full of sales & marketing jargon so ask it to avoid that. Example → “Write like a real person, don’t use too much marketing & sales jargon. Don’t repeat yourself, be dense.”

Example: If I were going to ask chatGPT, to create an article for MagicAPI to target enterprise users this is what I would ask:

As a senior tech writer & sales executive, write a long-form (2000 words) article about MagicAPI. MagicAPI is a modern API management platform that enterprises use to manage & sell APIs. MagicAPI helps enterprises bring together Sales, Tech & Products around APIs. Think of a theme or idea that you can explore in this article. Don't mention any external company or case study. Write like a real person, don’t use any sales or marketing jargon. Make sure articles provide value to Product managers at these companies looking for API management solutions. Use stats and metrics to back up your claim. Make sure the article is well-formatted and easy to read.

Analyzing Documents and Data using AI/LLMs

LLMs are really good at analyzing data, especially numerical data such as csv, databases, etc. The way current ChatGPT & Claude works is by extracting text from the files you have uploaded and then pasting it into the context.

These GPT applications can even help you visualize the data by generating charts or Claude’s artifact can convert a PDF into an interactive web application.

Example Prompt on Claude: “As a senior sales executive and entrepreneur, who is analyzing the entire API management market do some research and find me how big is this market? How much is the growth? What are the top companies with their share in the market and everything else try to back up this report with a lot of statistics and numbers and metric a detailed long form report which covers all of these things in an amazing way. Try to create an interactive web application, which can be used by somebody to interact with this data.”

You might need to update the prompt a few times to ask it to generate everything in a single page or ask it to not use any external components etc. But it does work really well.

If you want to learn more about how to build AI Agents then subscribe to this newsletter writer by Dharmesh, CTO @ Hubspot. Highly Recommended!!

Generating Images using AI/LLMs

AI has made incredible strides in generating realistic images quickly and cheaply. If you're not using AI for image generation, you’re missing out. One tool I highly recommend is available on /bridgeml/text-to-image, where you can generate 100 images for free and then pay a nominal fee for additional images. For this newsletter, the images were generated using this tool.

I frequently use the above API to generate various images for my blog, website etc.

Example prompt: “API platform and business, sales people software enterprise, colorful illustrative” (1280X800)


FREE AI & ChatGPT Masterclass to automate 50% of your workflow

More than 300 Million people use AI across the globe, but just the top 1% know the right ones for the right use-cases.

Join this free masterclass on AI tools that will teach you the 25 most useful AI tools on the internet – that too for $0 (they have 100 free seats only!)

This masterclass will teach you how to:

  • Build business strategies & solve problems like a pro

  • Write content for emails, socials & more in minutes

  • Build AI assistants & custom bots in minutes

  • Research 10x faster, do more in less time & make your life easier

You’ll wish you knew about this FREE AI masterclass sooner 😉

Top Tool this week: Chrome is the default browser for most people and since then a lot of companies like Firefox, Opera, etc. have tried it. There is a browser that has been constantly getting popular and has a loyal fanbase: Arc Browser (https://arc.net/). It’s known for its innovative features like a customizable sidebar, split-screen functionality, advanced tab management, and a focus on user productivity and organization. Do try it out and let me know what do you think.

Top AI tool this week: TaskAde (https://www.taskade.com/): Taskade is an AI-powered productivity platform designed to enhance collaboration and streamline workflows for teams and individuals. It provides a unified workspace that integrates task management, real-time collaboration, and advanced AI features. They have a lot of agents for everything like LinkedIn automation, SEO, marketing, article generation, etc. Check it out.

What did you think of this week’s newsletter? Was it helpful? Did you make it to the end? I'd love to hear your thoughts—feel free to email me anytime at [email protected].

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great day!

P.S. Please mark this email as “Important” to prevent it from going to spam.

Best regards,
Shashank Agarwal


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